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HR/IR Manager Resume Sample, Experience : 13 years

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Name of the Candidate:[Private]
Name of the Post Applied:HR/IR Manager
Job related skills / software:MS Office
Sub Category:Miscellaneous
Years of Experience:13 years
State:Uttar Pradesh
Salary Expected per Month(Rs):50,000 to 60,000
Highest Qualification attained:PGDM,LLB
Major / Specialization:HR & Marketing Management
Email Id:[Private]
Are you looking for job now?:Yes
Can the recruiter contact you?:Yes
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Resume Format / CV Sample Template / Example / Model :


[b]Name of the applicant (As per passport) [/b]: DWIVEDISHRISH

Ifeelhonoredwhileintroducingmyselfforasuitableplacementinyourcompany.Ihavetriedto make a pen picture of the experienced I enabled to earn during the short span of life and hopefully I believe that I have submitted sufficient information before yourself enabling you to assess capability & potential fit to possess the post (if offered) and would like to join your company at theearliest.

Specific areas of technical & professional proficiency


 KnowledgeofHRrelatedworks,recruitments,payroll,HRcompliancepromotions& appraisals,Legal,documentationanditscorrespondence.

PART-2 (Experience 10+ years including 1 year in Saudi Arabia)

Presently work with Sindwi Engineers Pvt.

Ltd. As a HR-Manager from May 2018 to till date.

 Maintainsmanagementguidelinesbypreparing,updating,and recommendinghumanresourcepoliciesandprocedures.
 Ensures legal compliance by monitoring and implementing applicable human resource federal and state requirements; conducting investigations; maintaining records; representing the organization athearings.
 Maintainstheworkstructurebyupdatingjobrequirementsandjobdescriptions for allpositions.
 Maintains organization staff by establishing a recruiting, testing, and interviewing program; counseling managers on candidate selection; conducting andanalyzingexitinterviews;recommendingchanges.
 Preparesemployeesforassignmentsbyestablishingandconducting orientation and trainingprograms.
 Maintains a pay plan by conducting periodic pay surveys; scheduling and conductingjobevaluations;preparingpaybudgets;monitoringandscheduling



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