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Medical >> Optometrist

List of Optometrist Resumes( 4 )

Medical >> Optometrist( 983 )

»Fresher Optometrist : Refraction Clinic, Cyclopegic Refraction, Retinoscopy, Slit Lamp Examination (Anterior Segment), Keratometry, Tonomerty (Contect & Non Contect) (218 views )
»Fresher Optometrist : Examining eye, Prescribe corrective lenses, Dry Eye Evaluation (2101 views )
»Optometrist : Clinical Optometry, Refraction, Manages Optical Dispensary and Provide eyeglass fitting, adjusting and selection services to patients (1492 views )
»Fresher Optometrist : Examining eye, Prescribe corrective lenses, Orthoptics examination, Dry Eye Evaluation (1464 views )